My own place: rented!
I believe it was more than 1 year ago I wrote about the first investment of my life. An apartment... not sure if it was a sudden urge of independence or just knowing I had an option... to do whatever I wanted.
I signed papers on the 4th of May of this year... I picked up a set of keys and opened the door for my future home. Unbelievable... I'm stuck the next 30 years of my life paying for it... but worth it... absolutely worth it.
After staring at the open door for 5 minutes to a completely empty apartment I saw the inevitable coming, furniture, cable, telephone, electricity, water, maintenance, paint... and food.
Better idea... let's rent it. Screw the independence. Money decides.
Suddenly, Manuel needs an apartment, he is staying in El Salvador and needs to move out from the apartment his old company was renting for him... guess what! I HAVE AN APARTMENT TO RENT!
The deal: he buys the furniture that is left (I already have a living room, kitchen, laundry) and I rent it to him at a very conveniente price! So that was the best deal... now I am sitting in the living room of the apartment I rent to my boyfriend, watching the amazing view to San Salvador while waiting for him to cook me dinner....
Ahhhh this is life!