What's up with the "Twilight Saga"
I am reading the Twilight books...
I know that with that comment alone I just lost 80% of any male reader interested in my blog! :)
However, I am writing about those books in what I believe is a different way of looking at what is in it... and this is just my opinion.
So in order to expose all my statements I must says the following:
"Yes, I too love Edward (not Robert Pattinson - or whatever his name is) but the Edward character"
The Twilight books (as I like to call them) are more than just a teenager love story, in fact, I believe I wouldn't have been able to understand this books if I was one... this books are for people that have actually experience real love and also real loss... the emotional, the physical, the painful love...
Some books are great because the writers have ways of describings sceneries, characters, even personalities that allow you to imagine the situation as if you were actually living it (learning real medieval history like this is the most amusing way to learn!)... however in the Twilight books, the write is absolutely amazing in describing feelings, which is something I had never experienced by reading a book.
To feel lightheaded when the story turns into a romantic series of lines and Romeo and Juliet phrases (this is the easy stuff, who hasn't felt that way!?), to know how it feel when Bella says she feels like she has a hole in her chest that actually, physically hurts... I know what that means, I have felt that way! to feel complete... to feel protected... (even if the guy is constantly wanting to suck her blood! :)...)
This is why reading it now makes much more sense than being 13 years old and reading it... you just can't related to what's going on... you can't understand at 13 (even if you are precocious kid!) the complex webs built around relationships, love, loss, etc.
And now I understand a comment a good friend of mine said when he talked about forbidden loves... not forbidden by society, distance or whatever... but forbidden by your inner strings, your own limitations, even though sometimes the word forbidden invites to do the contrary...
I reccommend this books to any of the skeptics out there... the ones that believe they are just some chick flick crap... it took me 2 years to decide to read them... I was reluctant, had enough with the wizard kid to get involved with vampires this time... but believe me... my expectations were exceeded! I am re-reading full chapters just to understand deeply the meaning of each line
So I have just begun Eclipse... lets see how it turns out!
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