Wednesday, April 27, 2005

"We knew we were not alone"

Originally uploaded by beatrizgb.
It has taken me some time to think on what exactly I wanted to write regarding this subject.

When expressing personal opinions about faith and religion, one can get confused and sometimes give the wrong impression of one's believes and traditions.

There are some moments in life, where you can feel all your senses and emotions arise towards the most extreme expressions like laughther, anger or tears.
No matter how confused you are, or how firmly you defend the integrity of your faith (in whatever you believe), or how constantly you challenge and question the authorities that supposedly rule the moral terms upon which you act; you will always find yourself in a moment or situation where you know you are facing a circumstance above your normal strength or will to keep your senses straight.

I have faced all stages in my life, from fully conservative catholic, to resilient practicant in absolute denial of my religious principles... but the figure of Pope John Paul II could make me remove all the dirt I kept inside my conscience and even with that, feel I was loved and blessed for having his pressence in my life... never met him, the closest I was to him were 5 seconds as he passed through in a 50,000 people mass and I kicked and pushed to be 1 or 2 meters away from him... and he would make me cry even when I saw him in a picture... I called him my father, he was "mi Papa"...
He passed away... and I felt alone, and empty... and so did everybody else.

A new figure comes, ready to start a new era... or continue what was left undone... it's not the same feeling... even if his image is manipulated by the press for good or bad, even if I continue being resilient or if I get struck by a rock and get back to the original flock...

He was very right when he said during one of his first words as Pope:

"We knew we were not alone. I can't handle this by myself... you know God is always leading"

Doesn't matter what or whom your God is... or who/what he has sent to represent him... despite all our differences in that matter... we are not alone... and that, I can't question.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Movie Review: Closer

Strange thing how this world sometimes works.

Not only relationships can be complicated, movies existentialists and human beings unpredictable.

Two couples, the four of them with very strong, shocking, personalities.
In a story line that makes you really question the reactions of this four.
Funny thing, you never seem to know on whose side you are.
Always debating your sentiments with your values, real life with the
image you have in your head of what is ideal.

And at the end, no one is happy. Nothing is ever a story tale.
Truth vrs. Theory

I promise!

From this day on, I promise to keep my blog up to date at least once a week.
I have missed it a lot.
So from now on.... I will.... I will update my blog.

Why men love bitches?

Originally uploaded by beatrizgb.
Everytime in your life, you find women who are too nice and men who are simply jerks.

I just finished reading this book, it is actually a really good book, the strap on side of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". Really good.

Every guy that got in my car and saw the book (good when you have to wait somewhere for a long time), looked at me with a face of "what kind of problems do you have?".

Three days ago, my boyfriend spotted the book and started looking at it... funny enough, I found him nodding along a lot of lines, which gave me an idea that the content, as funny as it is, is probably true.

A very good read for women trying to understand men and for men who want to know what kind of things a woman reads :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Screw the system!!!

Whatever!! I need it, for myself, and to keep me on my senses... I would regret it my whole existence if I didn't...
Rado & Stanka: I'll be there....
Suzanne: girl, we are crazy!!! $100 that is all I can spend!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Since when do you worry about money?

I surprised myself checking my financial statements 1 week ago.

Living a student life, travelling anywhere in the world 5 or 6 times a year, with nothing more than my savings account (that had between $400 and $800 at the beginning of each year for all the Xmas and Birthday presents and my summer jobs), a lot of discounts in airlines, I would be the happiest person, not caring about money at all.

I went to Estonia with $150 (after having paid the conference fee), stood 3 days in Finland and by the end of the conference I had 27 euros, with this I went to Portugal one week (thank God you have AIESEC friends who are willing to share food and bread with you!!) and got back to NYC with $2.50 in my pocket.... without realizing I arrived to JFK and my plane, the next day, left from Newark.... to NYers this must seem crazy.... but I managed through :)

And now, here I am, having an indecent proposal from Suzanne (as usual) to pay my way to Austria for 5 days (around $115 for me) and take nothing more than $100 in my pocket. And with this, we will survive for 5 days, all through Stanka's and Rado's wedding, a visit to Khalil in Prague and back.... and I am debating, because I am in need of those $215 to pay bills, my apartment rent and more....

WHY!!!! OHHHHH WHY!!!! please tell me why I have to worry about these things... I would have taken the challenge if so many preocupations wouldn't surround my head... credit cards, apartments, loans to banks... etc... etc... etc...

Is it that your sense of adventure is inversely proportional to growing up responsibly?