Where in the world: Bogota
I am currently in Bogota, it is my 8th or 9th visit in the last 8 months... my second visit in the last 3 weeks... and I belive it is fair enough to write something about this great city.

Random Mumblings I call life...
You meet different people across your life on earth, some of them you "click" with... other are just a good and/or random memory inside your head... some of them remain in your life forever, some of them come and go... some of them, you hear about their deeds in the newspapers... some of them are "normal" human beings like you and me... and some of them... go through life, unrecognized... but truly, they are silent heroes...
Today I am not going to be original, but I want to talk a little bit about today's editorial in my local newspaper...
Marvin Galeas (a really admired national journalist and writer) wrote about the following blog: http://www.desdecuba.com/generaciony/
Irony of ironies... freedom of speech in the country with most restricted freedoms: Cuba.
"Generation Y" is a blog that has shaken like no one else has in the last couple of years the prolonged communist regime of the Castro brothers, she even got beaten to death by a pair of big army bullies because of it... and even though she was invited to work in Spain, she returned to the island... her island, she even destroyed her passport to avoid being extradited.
She was named one of the most influential persons in the world by Times Magazine, she won the "Ortega y Gasset" award and she even got president Barack Obama to answer, in the White House's official website, 7 questions she asked him on her blog.
( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/yoani-sanchez/presidemt-obamas-answers_b_363553.html )
What makes this blog different from thousand other about the Cuban regime in cyberspace? First of all, there is not a single insult in it, she writes about the real life, daily life in Cuba, the small things that matter and that make life in Cuba different… she is witty (don't take me wrong) but she does it in a clever and entertaining way.
So... I finished the 4 twilight books in 7 days... yes... just couldn't stop :)
I am reading the Twilight books...
"Nowadays, you might rather say that the more you know of other countries, the more inclusive of all humanity your values will become"
Disclaimer: this is going to be a bilingual blog... some things are more fluid in english and some are in spanish... so excuse me for the confusion...
One day in Paradise, Eve called God:
They say no son/daughter comes with a instructions manual under the arm when they are born, they don't even come with bread, so you can't expect much... however it is true that when that baby is born, you automatically change your cassette, turn it to side B, rewind it to your childhood memories and BOOM! you have become a father... your own father... or someone elses... or sometimes the cassette is blank... because there is no real fatherhood memory to portray.
The Wife-Carrying Championship
Geese, dear geese thank you very much
I grew up as a very relaxed kid, teenager, etc... at some point I am not sure if I missed a part of my feminine life... or if I just decided not to pursue it because it would take just too much effort and I prefered to go to sleep.
My favorite choice for coffee.
I'm engaged.I knew this day would come someday and now that it has come, it has been hard to adapt to the new idea and to all the consequences this decision implies.It was not a perfect day. Mother's day in El Salvador is celebrated on May 10th, it was a day full of celebration to my different mothers and a hasty day at work as well. Not a gift, nor a congratulations card... nothing. I felt a little gloomy and sad about it... at the end of the day, my boyfriend and I went to my mother's place to put Ana Paola to sleep, he noticed I was not feeling myself and so he decided to “talk about it”.
I am not sure how many times I have tried to write... and not to write about this.
Disclaimer note:
I believe my AIESEC life was abruptly ended by some inevitable facts of life.
Saturday February 11th:
No no... not christmas... any season is a season to be Jolly...