Sunday, March 13, 2005

What's the rush?

So far this year I have received 4 wedding invitations!! 4... yes!! plus 3 or 4 more wedding announcements...

February 26th - Gracia and Jean
May 7th - Stanka and Rado (in Slovakia)
July 2nd - Ma. Cecilia and Rodrigo (in Colombia)
August something - my boyfriend's friend (in Mexico)

What am I going to wear!!? ;) hehe
Good thing I work in airline... with so many international setting for weddings.

My friend Gracia's wedding was really cool, very salvadorean style, she married his very traditionally swiss boyfriend... but you couldn't recognize his parents after 3 hours of latin music and drinking tequila!

Even though some of us are still scared when we hear bells ring... hehehe attending other people's weddings can be real fun!!!


At 2:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Bea - where are you on this picture! It will be great to catch up with you. Post some more of your little angel's photos online too :)


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