Friday, December 31, 2004

Moments to rethink your existence

It's overwhelming.

I've never been to SE Asia, I hope to get there in march.
But most of the close friends I made in AIESEC were from Asia.
India, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka.
People full of energy, life, positiveness and an amazing way to look at what life can teach you.

After the Dec. 26th events, the awful feeling inside my heart, beating fast, not knowing who was there, who was affected, where were my friends... it has made me realize how fragile we are and how much we need to support each other, every day, no matter where you are.

I saw one of the videos posted in the nomadone page, and then I read Saki's first hand story.
At first it was just a way to feed my curiosity, the typical sensationalist latin american media coverage that has made us be so cold hearted when it comes to human tragedies.

After reading this, talking to others, reading the grief, the miracle stories and how when its time to die... we can do nothing against it.

If this happened to me, could I have said "God, you owe me nothing, I owe you nothing, I had a wonderful life, do as you please" could I!?
I think not.

Not because I am afraid to die, but because I know, I can do better.
Unfinished business.
If God decided it was not my time to leave, and I had a second opportunity to live... what would be differente. I can think of many things.

Ask for forgiveness to people I have hurt, make sure friends and family know each day I love them, live life as if it was the last day... take more risks, laugh more, stress less, speak out, speak loud, dance more, forget my uncertainties and take the chance of falling in love, read my favorite books again, and give thanks to God that I am alive and healthy one more day...

Ohhh how often we forget that! breathing, living, having house, food and a family.

This events make me think my existence, I am really living to my fullest potential? am I.... so many things.


At 1:59 PM , Blogger Maria said...

Dear Beatriz, I just want to wish you a Happy New Year! Its been years since we last saw eachother! Take loads of care! Love, Maria

At 9:39 PM , Blogger Saki said...

Dear Beatriz,

Thank you so much for your words and your call to action in the AIESEC community.

Had I not been at Thailand, I would have also wondered with curiosity about the tragedy as I saw it through the brown-tube. But what I can say, truthfully from my heart, is that I am happy to be alive. It doesn't take rocket-science to figure this out but it took a huge tragedy like this to wake some people up.

The will to live, to hope, to love - these are all things that were reaffirmed, whether someone was there or not. I just hope that it lives on in the survivors and the world that watched. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment about life - to forgive, to communicate your love, and to live a life you won't regret.

We sympahtize with the victims of the tsunami, but are we giving kindness and love to the ones even closer to us? Natural disaster has done enough damage - human error does not need to create more.

The fact that AIESEC has created friendships around the world - to be truly affected when somebody in any part of the world is in trouble - is an amazing bond. It is hard for us sitting in our living rooms to begin to imagine how we can really help, but we demonstrate it by not only responding to emergencies but by living with our chins up high and making decisions everyday that we believe to be good in this world.



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