What relaxing sceneries can make
It's only 5:30 pm, but as summer and the dry season is here, evenings are longer, and days become shorter. The sun starts to set at around 5:30, in 20 minutes, everything gets dark.

I am in the car, listening to a guy called John Meyer or something like it, really chill out music. Loved it. We are watching the sunset as we descend from the mountains, you see random cars passing us by, but nothing seems to disturb us.
Weather is nice, probably around 16ÂșC or so... you can see the ocean line at the end, while the pink and orange clouds fill the horizon with its majesty. Nobody says a word, we just listen and let our minds vaguely think of unimportant things.
10 hours of sleep, couldn't replace the sense of relaxed emotions I felt during this 1 and a half hour trip. Conversation re-starts as the night comes in. But it turns into a very superficial, "lets-just-kill-the-silence" conversation. It's ok, we are keeping the driver awake. But we all felt a piece of paradise during one moment of the day.

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