October Winds
“Two Wings... Who could have two wings for me to fly!.This afternoon, in the summit, almost I have had them.From here I see the sea, so blue so sleepy,that if it is not a sea, might as well be another sky!.
Summits, divine summits, excel viewpoints.How small mankind! The murmurs don't reachFrom there below, from the mud; neither the harrowing screamwith which the desire howls, neither the overflowing clamorfrom bad passions .The despicable won’t rise:this summit is the Kingdom of the bird and the cloud…” (Alfredo Espino)
October winds are here, and with them the smell of summer.
When in school, it was time to close another year, final exams, goodbye to the books, to classmates, teachers and hello to mornings starting at 8 am!
October winds… no more rain clouds blurring the sight of San Salvador volcano, from the balcony of my apartment you can now see not the entire city, but almost half of the country. The high mountains of the east… the blue beaches of the west… the lakes and volcanoes of the south… and up north… San Salvador volcano standing tall and wide!
October has ended… but summer just started!
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