Bits and bites of Frustration
Bits and bites of Frustration.
"In dreams begins responsibility." --William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) Irish Nobel Prize-winning poet I have struggled with myself and with this phrase for the last 2 weeks. Something bothers me, about myself, feeling uncomfortable... or worst yet anxious.
I used to dream of great deeds, of foreign lands, of bright proffesional future. To travel the world, mind my own well being. To earn enough to explore enough, to meet interesting people and be a world leader.
I used to dream about becoming who I was meant to become. I used to dream random meetings and wild friends.
Suddenly, dreams began to fade. All of a sudden, I felt my dreams move away.
I had to come face to face to a reality I never dreamed.
Frustration. I lie in the verge of changing my mind or letting time pass by. To know someone else is living the life I was only dreaming. Those people can come up and read this and say “it isn’t the best life you can have, compared to what she has” they may be right… but how can I realize that without having experienced what it was about.
I used to dream of freedom, adventures and a simple life. Do I still have time?
I am living a life I never dreamed of.
I’ve experienced the feeling of failure. Facing the floor, not sure if I had the will to stand up. Trying to mend broken dreams and knowing it was useless. Standing up meant facing the world again, the possibility of getting back into that same position at any given time.
Once again… strength beyond my own… pulled me up, step by step, until I was back into my feet again… and until today it has filled my life with blessings.
I have received the amazing gift of being a mother. No one, will ever understand what it means to belong somewhere until they have someone that looks up to you.
No foreign land, no career path can be compared to the sight of your kid early in the morning, standing besides your bed, holding his arms towards you to help him get up just to lie on top of you, press his head against your heart and throw a kiss to the air for you to catch.
I have supportive parents, that haven’t turned their heads against me, even if they wished they could. People that would let me fall everytime I could… but make sure they were there when I needed to be spoiled.
I have wonderful friends. Who I don’t see as much as I wish, but it seems time and frontiers don’t pass by between us.
I have a life with love. I am not lonely, but have someone to walk hand on hand with and share the good, the bad, the sad and the happy with.
What, at the end is my mission in life? To dream great dreams? In dreams begin responsibility… how can I stand against it?
Very powerful post.... see many things in common between me and you....
Bea, you are living a wonderful life.. as tough as it is, as challenging as it is, as sweet as it is.....
Never stop dreaming... I am sure that you will achieve your priorities in life..we are still so young....
Take care of yourself..
Never stop dreaming
I read your post and saw myself reflected in several parts of it. Our responsibility to our families now makes us think twice when embarking on a journey and a challenge, and sometimes even not go for the adventure as we would have done before. But we all need balance in life and it was something my wife and me agreed yesterday after seeing and discussing the movie "Dance with me". We will always need the passion in our life, be it passion for achievement, challenges, traveling, politics, sports, family, dance, music, weblogs, motivation histories, training, etc. etc. but we will always need these in our lives (or at least I will always need it) in order to feel alive, to feel that we are investing well and doing something worthy with our lives.
I can only add to this post, these 2 quotes I love:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatoli France
"The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be" - Isaac Asimov
Dream on little sister, Dream on! And try to meet your dreams with those of the people that fill and fulfill your life today. Easy? Not at all, if you succeed in doing that, tell me how!
For me, the only thing to realizing a dream is staying in the game. Not many things go according to plan; that's normal.
Stay in the game because you never know what the future brings and when that perfect storm opportunity materialize itself, you will be in the position to take it.
Other than that, make the best of now; because the future is not yours and your past doesn't matter. (yeah, this sounds cheesy, but this my iron rule to follow)
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