Too shallow for comments
"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious"
I don't know where I got this quote from. It is some of those random comments that cross your mind in a book or through the internet.
I have been reading so many weblogs lately and I have started to feel like a shallow person, despite all my logical dreams of world peace and love for humanity, I found myself reading blog articles from friends that seem just too serious to be taken seriously by me.
I was reading Oliveira's blog yesterday and all these remarks about politics, daily news and business economics were too much for my head to understand, and yes I am an economics major. The I turned to Venky's weblog to find out a deep discussion about AIDS in India.
Its amazing to look at the incredible worries the world have and try to state an opinion around them... but I guess I am just having enough by dealing with my own life and matters to start worrying about something beyond my reach at this point in time.
As Brenda said in her blog, "In the past year I have come to understand that what gives meaning is not so much what I do – but who I be in the midst of all the doing."
Yes, probably I don't express publicly my opinions on the social and economical trends affecting my era... I can have a 3 hour long conversation and stay in the same path, defend my ideas, and probably make up and improvise 50% of what I say, based on what I read on a magazine or that day in the newspaper....
But who cares? or do we really care?
I share the exact same view on the subject.. strangely enough.
Its astounding the amount of opinion one can seemingly have on a subject, by just reading a few lines or some random article. Im sure more than half the people out there improvise that final 50% to be seemingly knowledgeable? :) One can never tell, but the stand ive convinced myself to beleive in, is that all this 50% is what adds up to shed final light on some matter. Its whats critical to make that matter or issue even exist. Hope i made sense to ya.. Far fetched assumption perhaps? Would love to talk about it :)
Forming an opinion is important because it is part of your education and effort to understand what's going on so when you are in a position to do something about, you will do it right.
And when you share you opinion, it's not only you being educated, but also other people that listen to you; and they might be in the position to immediately start change.
I received this email from Ana Elisa:
Hey Bea!
Really good to see that you are posting more often! :)
It would be great if you could post more pics of your cute Ana Paola!
Regarding this posting I actually have been thinking a lot about blogs now that reading nomadlife has become a part of my daily tasks too.. :)
And I also got this feeling.. wow... everyone is so intelectual, so opinion driver, ....
I then thought that I must be somehow different.. not exactly shallow... :)
The thing is that I always liked to talk about world topics, discuss
economy and stuff ( I guess most of the aiesec'ers I know are like that.
So why dont I post about it?
But honestly I guess I a am not ready yet to post it yet.. it still seems that if i do it it is more about "showing other people" that I have written this intelectual posting than something else.. (Hope you are following my thoughts))
Maybe it is just because I dont like to be part of the "cliche", of doing something just because everyone is doing it too..
Well, I guess we both prefer talking about simple things about special moments in my life, almost as in a journal instead of turning my blog into the Times or something... But then again, there might be a point where I feel like sharing my opinins...
And in that sense I completely agree with Dody... Forming an opinion is important not only to ourselves but as an education of the ones we share it with. Not meaning that we have the right opinion but that we enlarge
the opinion's poll for others to base theirs.
Oops.. it seems that this email is getting too long! :)
Hope everything is going on ok with you!
I am now moving to Dubai to work with DHL, so be free to visit me in one of your travellings :P
Ana Elisa
At some point in life... it is the simple stuff that makes it special... and that is what I am probably willing to share with the ones that read my blog.
Another important aspect of forming opinion is that it gives you a baseline in which you can measure in the future on how your thinking has evolved.
You won't know how far you've gone if you don't know where the starting point is.
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